Suteki Air vent poll.

Quick poll guys. I wanna make a Suteki vent but wondering is all the hassle really worth it. Does it give better performance or is it mainly a cosmetic mod. I'm running a standard airbox minus the resonator box (1.6 sri). Gonna put in k&n panel filter. air box pipe points exactly to the hole in inside wing. Any help Much appreciated. :D
Yeah they look good but for maximum air flow I would run a feed thru that hole^^ to the brake duct or fog light hole.
In short, they are purely cosmetic. There are a couple of things that appear to be amiss with the vent apart from looking like balls.

1. Surface area of the vent compared to the intake piping, minus the area consumed by the mesh = close to nothing.

2. Have a look behind the indicator.. theres paneling there. Not a great path for the air to travel. Not sure how the tiny amount of air that might get through is meant to get into the intake from the vent, but it's not too well thought out.

Most of the air entering the engine bay comes in through the bumper, grill and around the headlights. I hope this helps. :)
The genuine vents, rather than chopped indicators (like tommos carbon one) look good IMO.

tommo's is a chopped indicator though. Just chopped by some one called suteki and a fibreglass mold dropped in. Done properly they all look good, but they're no good for airflow to a filter though, just a styling thing.
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