bad signal on my radio

ever since i changed my head unit all i have been able to get is radio 1 2 classical and thats it does anyone know a reason will a signal booster help
yep checked is all if it was not in the head unit does not work its the earth when i held the aerial whilst in there i picked up a local station but once its screwed in dont get it
what make is it? alpine?

when i had my pioneer unit in it was fine, once i put my alpine unit in the reception is shit, very poor on all stations
dont see how using a seperate earth will make a difference but il try it and see if not its time to save for a new head unit
Sounds like your arial is goosed. You tried putting your standard headunit back? You could have damaged the arial changing it over.

Hopelessness is right, the cage and plastic may not be a sufficient earth on the N16 and ideally a seperate earth should be found. Using the instrument cluster is not a good idea. I can't remember where I ran it to.
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