Bird Mess

Just after i cleaned my my car at the weekend a bird decided to leave a big present on my spoiler:angry: i have only just cleanerd it off tonight. i didn't think it would leave a mark as it had rained heavily in the last night washing most if it off. It seems to have left a white ring about 2cm round, will this polish off or has it lifted the laquer off?

Any advice appreciated!

Cheers, Matt
bird shit contains lime, the previous owner of my last car left it on so long it etched the window, nasty stuff, possibly damaged the laquer. try some gentle polish then maybe something more aggressive.
Before cutting - buy yourself some meguiars quick detailer spray and a couple of cloths. It's the DADDY for stuff like this. Spray on, leave for a minute then just wipe off and buff with second cloth. Will take anything off paint.
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