cleanin the dash

can anyone recommend a good way of cleanin the dash? the lower half of the dash has a weidr raised in areas effect but the muck is sitting in the lower bits makin my dash look ugly n dirty. ive tried a few products but nowts makin it gleam. has anyone else noticed this and found owt that works?

also on the top half around the passenger airbag the black is starting to fade to grey around the edges, a mate said use boot polish but i think he was just takin the piss.
just a cloth and hot soapy water, then go buy autoglym stuff :)

boot polish will work in the same way as back to black, don't know if i'd fancy putting boot polish on my car but go buy black to black and keep using it to keep up layers.
simoniz matt dash spray is not bad, smells of lemon though! A matt finish is better as it doesnt reflect the sunlight.
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