Door Lights

New question for Darren no doubt. :lol:

I bumped by motor a year back, reversed into a dark coloured van (I love tinted windows!).

I dropped the car in with Nissan, who replaced the rear door, rear bumper, and even stuck my tinted window on to the new door. Without asking me the didn't rebadge the new door so basically got debadged rear-end for free.

There are some issues though. For one, they stuck in the reversing sensors but it don't go beep anymore. To be honest I'm grateful for that, I unplugged the speaker at one point but the bstrds plugged it back in during a service.

For some reason though the interior lights don't work the way they should. Obviously whilst the rear door was all crushed in I used to get the light on the dash telling me there was a door open, and subsequantly the interior lights were always on, less I switched them off on the roof.

Since it was replaced I don't get that warning, but the lights are still always on.

I'm only bothered because I have some led's sat in the doorwell which used to light up and look pretty when you opened the door and such, but now I have to keep them permanently off.

Does anyone know what Nissan forgot to plug back in or how I can run a similar circuit? I considered getting a micro-switch and trying to set it up on the driver's door or something but seemed too much work when there should already be a circuit in place? :(
there should be a switch (push to make or something similar to that) near the lock on the chassi side it sounds like it needs replacing
Well if they ignore the mods I'm still under warranty? Recommend I take it back to them :evil: or call them for a part number? :(
take it back to them mate. its on record that they replace the door and etc so it should not be a problem. ordering the part might not solve the problem it might be something else I am guessing. so take it back all the way
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