Hi Chaps & Chapesses.

Just tried to replace my n/s headlight on my N16 P1 almera only to find that I need to remove the bumper! Any ideas on how I do this? I am very un-technical so lady-bird style instructions would be most helpful.

Don't remove the bumper. There may be bolts beneath the light but just jack the car up and have a look....

Ok, I dunno if this will be of any use to you as the headlight is damaged (was left in the bushes after my N16 was written off so I took it home) but heres some pictures of a phase 1 headlight to give you an idea of what you're dealing with...
Front & top:

Underneath & behind:

This is what I did to try to remove the headlight....

1 Pulled plug out of back of headlight
2 Bruised hand and broke fingernail (which really hurt)
3 Removed indicator (nice and easy)
4 Removed three bolts (two on top of headlight and one below indicator hole that only a Nissan technician could remove with ease)
5 Wiggled headlight about in attempt to remove it but it was trapped by front grill and bumper where indicator sits.
6 Put it all back together, bruising arm in the process

I can't fathom out how to remove the light without taking the bumper off as the headlight is stuck fast and there is no give at all between the grill and the bumper. Any ideas? Or have I just got a "Friday Night" car??!

Hi Pixie,

You don`t need to take the bumper off. :)

I had the same problem when I had my N16, all you need to do is give it a sharp pull up when all the bolts are out.

If you look at the pic of the bottom of the light, the big lump in the middle is the clip that holds the bottom in.

You just need to be a bit forceful with it, but it will come out.

If you can`t pull it out, get a big screwdriver & lever it out.

Let us know how you get on. :)
Okay - I'll give it a go. A couple more questions though... How do I get the duff headlight casing past the bumper where the indicator is, and how do I get the new headlight in? Surely I don't use the same tactic?

Sorry if I'm being a typically pedantic female here!!!
No probs. :)

I had a Phase 2 though, but yours shouldn`t be too diferent.

Once you`ve got it out of the clip, tilt the top forwards (towards you) & it should come straight out, but you may have to waggle/twist it to get it through the gap.

To fit the replacement, get it in position, then thump the top with your fist & it should lock in, put the bolts in, plug the bulbs in & refit the indicator & it`s job done! ;) :D

Any probs, give me a shout. :)
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