Rear caliper seized

the dreaded caliper seizure has happened

just wantin sum advice on how to free it.

it happened last week but over night it eased off until Tuesday night on way home from work when its seized again.

The only time ive had a seized caliper was on my old 100NX and to fix it i removed the caliper popped out the piston, cleaned it with brake fluid and elbow grease.

Same thing to sort this 1??

What brake fluid is in the n16? imagine it would be DOT4??

Want to get it sorted asap but i was hit with a sick bug yday so i've rang in sick 2day so i cant really get it done incase im seen out. plus the other half would moan and thats never fun.
Not that my methods would be correct but...
Personally i'd start by giving the caliper a persuade with a basher.
If that doesn't work, remove it and as you say, work the plunger a bit to free it off.
If that doesn't work, buy a new caliper.

Be careful not to get oil on your brakes.
with my experience of calipers on nissans, it's always been the sliders on the mounting bracket that have seized. so take off mounting bracket, remove sliders and regrease. check rubbers for splits etc while your at it! worth a try anywhoo
any local car parts shop can get you a refurbished one, last time i bought one for my primera it cost me 40 quid, i did the ones on my almera n it was just the sliders, spray them with plenty of oil, then work them out n put loads of copper grease in when you put it back together
Personally i'd start by giving the caliper a persuade with a basher.
another member of the 'if it aint electrical bash it with a hammer' college i see. only works when your pissed off.

spray them with plenty of oil,
oil on brakes- i like that idea :D

i managed it without too much hassle tbh, hopefully its sorted.

all i did was

1, jack, axel stand, remove wheel
2 remove caliper bolts
3 take out pads (they were loose, free and greased cos i did them not long ago)
4 use girlfriend to press brakes while i watched piston coming out till it stoppped,
4 unscrewed piston, got covered in brake fluid,
5 cleaned piston with brake fluid, clean cloth and LOTS of elbow grease!
6 inserted it back into seal, not that easy!
7 screw piston back onto thread inside caliper and it falls back into position.
8 clean sliders on caliper and pads, regrease with copper grease, reposiition.
9 realign caliper and insert bolts.
10 Bled brakes.

Brake seizure DONE!

spray them with plenty of oil,
oil on brakes- i like that idea

i did mean only on the carrier sliders, but then you knew that didnt you?
i did, but cudnt resist a dig with the wording. its stil a bit close to the discs to be spraying oil. will stick to grease.

all still good btw.
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