Speaker Replacement

Hi, I have a 2001 nissan almera saloon. I want to change the factory speakers in the front and rear. I was hoping someone might be able to give me some advice on how to remove 1. The front door panel 2. The rear shelf. Or maybe there is an easier way to do it?
not touched the fronts yet but the rears are a piece of cake.

fold the rear seats down and if you look there are i think 4 screws in total, maybe 5.

2 underneath the shelf and 1 beneath a cap were the seat was sat wen in position and the last and easiest to see should be looking at you wen u stand behind the car with the boot open, it has a cap over too, just pop these off with a flat driver.

shelf might need a lil tap from underneath but will probably be free as soon as the screws are out. speakers are plugged into the car so unplug it b4 you walk away with the shelf!

as for the doors, just go around the door card and remove the screwa, just make sure you can put them all back in the same place, id imagine the card also needs lifting in a certain direction as its prob hooked on somehow but as ive neva touched the mera's i cant tell you

good luck
just noticed you have said saloon, maybe my help wont actually help much at all! D'oh!!

should just be screws holding the panels in, just remeve 1 at a time, be patiant and remember were eash came from and youl figure it eventually
I think the door panels around the front speakers just 'slide' off. It might be more of a hit it really hard slide, but I think it was fairly simple. I'm trying to remember, but it was all of 9 months ago...!
Removing the front door panels are simple: -

1) Pry off the armrest section of the door first - back bit first then the front bit with the window switches etc

2) with the 2 sections removed look for 2x screws that screw into the door - unscrew these

3) Open the door wide open and look for screws and/or clips to either remove/unscrew

4) pull up then off the panel comes

5) unscrew the 3 screws holding the window switch control panel onto the door panel

And robert is then your mother's brother - and as for direct replacements, in my personal searchings, there is no easy old one out, new one in as 6.5" components are either too deep and 5.25" speakers require dodgy custom made adaptors... Iirc there was mention that Autoleads do speakers adaptors that are for a Vauxhall Vectra that apparently fit ours however don't quote me on that!
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