97 Almera Si Speedometer

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how to take out the almera spedometer unit, when the cars still it reads about 10mph so i was thinking of taking it out and twisting the needle to 0.

Ive unscrewed the 2 screws in the panel left of the spedo and taken off that whole panel (the one with the radio in it), ive also taken out the screws holding the spedo in, the problem is that the panel on the right dosnt move and dosnt allow me to take it out.

Thanks for any advice.
2 screws in the centre console above radio, 2 screws in the gauge cowling, think there may be some more screws, one either side of the steering wheel possibly? been a while since i done it meself. pull the cowling away from the centre console (bit stiff but does seperate) then remove the cowling (best to take it out the left of the steerin wheel) think theres 3 screws holding the speedo unit in, pullit out then jam your hand in to pull the plugs out the back. takin the speedo unit out is a pain in the ring but it is possible. out the left of the steering wheel again i thinki did it....

dont quote me i ant done it for ages...
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