99 PHASE 2

Ye wont believe what iv come across, house up the road from me seen a green Gti in the drive so popped in to have a look.there from the uk and home for holidays for a week to the mothers house.husbend in his 50s bought the car new but sadly died 4 years ago so the car has been garaged since then,the wife brought it home for the week just to give it a drive and she didnt mind me having a look at it,i asked her would she sell and she said she didnt know cause its centamental but also she says its not used so i gave her my number.

cant believe how clean it is i nearly got sick when i turned the key to see only 36.500 miles on it.
its tropical green phase 2 with body kit and totally standard and not as much as a mark on it and the interior seats/gearnob/stering wheel are like no one ever sat in it.it still has the original rear tyres.

Anyone got an idea what this would be worth in sterling if she gets back to me as i think this is something u would never come across again.
hard to say its obviously worth alot more to us as we know about them but they just arent selling, I sold mine for £1500 with a few things done to it, rhyd got £2000 for his, its gonna be what she thinks it worth I would say around £1500 though for a base figure £2k at a push.......
If it's really as mint as you say,£2000 would be a good price.
My bruv bought a 99'V' black GTi with one old-man owner for £3500 a few years back with only 19k and fnsh.Drove it about 11 months then sold it for £3000 to some one on here.
Book price is very low.I'm sure she'll accept £2k for it IF she decides to sell.
Good luck:)
thats what its worth to us but not what someone would really pay.......

could get yourself a bargain man
if she dont know much about them then you could get it cheaper than that if she asks for an offer start low, and dont point out things like OMG thats rare + clean for its age etc etc
A fully serviced v reg with less than 40k on it would be worth 2grand of anyones money any day of any week.

Totally agree Steven ! Might need a couple of tyres (due to sidewall cracking) & maybe a new battery & fresh fluids - but that's it. Should be a cracking buy :cool:
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