Hi there seems to be a problem with my air con its not working . when i press the switch with the fan on it does light up but no cold air or cant even see engine revs dropping like u normally would. incase anyone doesnt know me yet its a 99 GTi.anyone had this problem?
Happened in my Si sometimes but then gave it a day or whatever then it was fine. Happened couple times in summer with my GTi but then havnt had problems since. Dunno what the cause/fix is.
The system needs re-gassing.
When below a certain pressure the compressor wont kick in. They`ll put dye in, and check for leaks afterwards.
Mine did exactly the same thing. Turned out i had a leak on one of the metal pipes that connect to the 'can' beside the radiator so when i gassed up the system it would only stay charged for a few hours. My advice would be if you are going to re gas your air con yourself, buy a dye kit first. Might save you a few quid.
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