alcantara dash?

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anyone know where i can get the top of my dash done in alcantara or alcantara type stuff like the race and rally cars?

Really need this done cause the glare of the shiny black dash is getting on my tits!


the place that did my seat trimming retrims anything you want, whoever he's expensive, and so is alcantra, its around £80 a metre
Hmm,, i'm thinking alcantara 'LOOK' material!!! LOL do you know if they have something like that? if ya think so could you give me there phone no.?

Cheers bud!

I know there's a few types that claim to be 'alcantra look' but theyve far from what they promise, but LJB2 put pics up of his door cards etc, and it looked like alcantra(but the pictures were very dark, so maybes not) cant remember what it was called
Dinamica - it's shorter 'pile' (for want of a better word) than Alcantara but doesn't actually cost that much less :(

(He got it to match the Recaros)

The best way to do a dash like ours - with lots of curves - is a process called flocking

Basically, they cover your dash in glue and blow fibres over the top so they stick - not unlike those glitter piccies you did in primary school

There's a place RC Developments in Northwich use which must be local - try a Google search or ask about flocking at a retrim place from the YellowPages
Flocking sounds good! i'll phone around and failing that i'll phone RC developments!


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