Alloy Wheel vibration

Hi all, I fitted some new 17 inch alloy's to my Almera today but was a little disapointed when i took them out for a test run. Once i get to 50mph i start getting a bit of wheel vibration and as i continue to speed up this gets worse. It seems to get worser all of a sudden at 65mph, at 70 or above it is a no go area the whole car shakes real bad(more so the front) and there is loads and loads of steering wheel vibration. I was expecting some as ive alwayse got some on cars in the past when fitting wheels but this is the worst so far. i checked the wheels over 3 times making sure they were on correctly and the nuts were tight. What could this be down to? bearings, ball joint's?. The car is a 97 1.4 SI and is not lowerd. All advice and replies are all apreciated as alwayse.

Cheers all
i hear a lot about people who buys new wheels/tyre packages with this problem and its the tyres, weather they are poor moulds, have a bulge in them whatever.
Yes the wheels came balanced ready to fit. I cant remember what make tyre there were. not a big name i dont think il have a look tomoro as it dark at the moment. Cheers
Yeah it's either the wheels not balanced properly mate or the tyres themselves casuing it, i've had that problem recently but sorted now with new tyres and balancing.
when they say balanced and ready to fit im always slightly dubious. im also very reserved about the tires causing vibration issue. unless a tire is a really wank make it should be perfectly pressed and run true from the word go. it doesnt take a lot to drop a wheel weight or for the spotty numpty fitting your tires to let one slip without being bob on.....
When i get a set of new/second hand alloys with tyres, i always take them to a place i trust to get them balanced anyway. Regardsless if i'm told they are already balanced.

I've never had any probs with any wheels or tyres for that matter after i've had them properly balanced and i've gone through a few sets now. lol
try getting the car down the local garage and ask them to do the tracking for you and get them all lined up properly. make sure ya watch them do it , and get them to balance them for ya and sort the pressure in ya tyres out
The vibration you describe sounds like what I had when I fitted my first set of alloys - I've never had it that bad since even with an entirely unbalanced wheel/tyre.

Turned out that the manufacturer had not sent me the required spigot rings* so the wheels were not perfectly centred on the hub when fitting and so slightly off-center no matter how careful I was fitting them.

Have you got spigot rings?* Do you need them? Does the wheel fit EXACTLY on the hub with no looseness or wobble before you put the nuts or bolts on?

*(Spigot rings are plastic rings that slide into the wheel to adapt the diameter where it slides onto the hub so it fits the car perfectly)
Did you get the right spigot rings with them? If not the wheel will be a loose fit on the hub and vibrate.
Hi all again, sorry for lack of replies. Well ive come down to the conclusion that it is the tyre's. After having major swap round's of all wheels back and forth from another car ive also found out it is definetly not a mechanical fault and is the wheels. They did come with spigot rings and they sit very tight and well on the hub with no movement. Im taking the wheels down to the profesionals and are going to see if they are balanced and if they are im going to have 2 new Good make tyre's put on then they will go on the front and will change the other 2 at a sooner rather than latter date when ive got the money available. When having two of the wheels on the back and two different on the front the wobble is gone pretty much completely apart from a small amount which is livable for a short while. il let you know how i get on, Thanks all again.
I was on about worn tyres sorry pal, I didn't realise you meant brand spankers. It's very doubtful it'll be tyres then in that case
Its probably the balancing I brought a brand new set of alloys for my old car that were supposedly balanced, but I had the sam vibration problem (mine was anything above 60mph) I checked the wheels and they all had weights on them, but when I got them checked the two front tyres were not balance correctly, i found Kwikfit (normally would reccommend them) quite reasonable was £21 to get all 4 wheels balanced and this was the cheapest I could find, even got let me go back in a month later and they rechecked for free
Hi all again, well the upadate is that i took the wheels to my local tyre garage and i told them the situation. They tested them and said they were all miles out of balance and was surprised they sold them like this. He tried to balance them (i was watching and he showed me on the machine) and put the maxium amount he possible could on one side just to try and balance out the wobble. This did improve it a bit but they were still showing a small amount and this was not great to be honest. Not only did it make the wheel look horrible but this isn't really ideal. So im going to put 2 falken tyres on 2 wheels and put the others on the back and see if that helps. Im pretty certain it will. Looking closely at the tyre's you can see what looks like join marks if you like, lines running right across the tyre all around it. It looks like you've got about 6 sections of tyre and stuck them all together to make 1. Il let you now what the out come is, Thats the last time i buy wheels with tyre's.

Cheers all
Hello again all. Well it's looking hopeful. I took the car out for a spin with the 2 new tyre's on the front and it is spot on on the front now. But still at the back obviously. Im not going to drive it until ive got some more for the back. While i was out i was on a dual carriage way doing around 70 and i could feel the wobble on the back, so i moved door mirrow down so it was looking right at the wheel and i could actully see the tyre moving slightly out and in quickly. That was what decided me after see'ing that. Im certain it will be ok after there changed so il say a big thank you for all you replies and helpful advice :)

Cheers all
Rochford tyres are cheap, try them. 1
don't fucking bother with 500 quid wheels, on a stupid 5 door 1.6.
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