Almera 2.2 Dci Low Mpg

Hi, I've recently purchased an 04 2.2 Dci Almera but I am getting only 28 mpg out of it. Also when I start the engine cold the rpm moves up and down at idle, its never stalled but sometimes it feels as though its about to. Does any1 know what I can do to fix this? Cheers

Have you done usual maintenance checks? Also cleaned MAF, new fuel filter, run some Forte diesel treatment (that one actually works). There's a few other things you can do to help poor running, so let us know what you've tried so far.

Pulsating rpm on cold start could be suction valve problem, mine did the same on cold mornings and after checking for errors it was clear. No EML ever showed up. If those advised by edk won't help consider doing error scan.
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