almera 2005 manual model

i am having problems with my car.
1. car has problems starting
2. car stops randomly when moving.
3. can not run engine idling when it starts.
please help
Is that a QG engine? We don't have a 1.6 here so no experience with it, unless it's a QG16DE or something as we have 1.5 and 1.8 versions. Usually symptoms like that are caused by a stretched timing chain, but you could try swapping the cam and crank sensor and see if it makes a difference. If it does then you'll need a new sensor. Any codes being thrown up?
i think its 1.5 model originally, but the S.A model is 1.6. there are no error codes. the engine stops randomly when the car is moving.
Sounds like a cam/crank sensor issue to me, but that could be caused by a stretched chain. Take the rocker cover off and check the chain tensioner to see if its extended 10mm or more.
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