Almera Tino SE " just bought today " need some info .

Hey ,hope all is well ? I just bought a S plate Almera Tino SE "nice car" today ,glad to part of this forum .
As always I have intentions :P

Firstly I can't get the dolly parton CD out of the drive ............ joleen joleen is all I can take , maybe its breast size but the piggin thing wont eject ..........argh any IDEAS how to brute force it LOL .

Also there's a button for MAP ! I gather I need a Map CD/DVD to access it , where can i purchase this or download it ...

other than that the cars great , pulling to left a little harsh but that may just be tire pressure .

This won't be my last post , I'm thinking of making it into the unltimate family car entertainment system LOL . . .

any help would be great .


OnlineRender ( 3D Artist for Rent )
first of all...

joleen joleen is all I can take , maybe its breast size but the piggin thing wont eject

most epic line ive seen today.

as for the actual related problem, is there not a small hole around the drive that you can stick a pin in to eject the cd? (popping the baloons as you would say)

pulling to the left could be a seized rear caliper, expensive to fix, so get it checked out.

if you stick around you will be the only long term tino owning member, they all seem to ask a question then never come back :P
If you have a 'Map' button & a screen to see the sat-nav, then check on ebay or a Nissan dealer. But you know which one will be cheaper :rolleyes:
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