BHP increase resistor

Muppet!! do you really think a £2.49 oh sorry (13p Resistor Maplin) Is going to give you any more power????? Leave that thing alone there shite and dont work! Its all bullshit!
I was having a look at his feedback and I just cant believe how many people have bought this crap from him. He must be making a killing and laughing all the way to the bank.
fair enough it is a shite mod and bodge job..... and probably does some damage in one way or another...

But the geezer has like 99.9% positive feedback. Has anyone actually had it rolling roaded before and after its on?

To be honest even if it did add a few BHP it would be worth it, surely for a couple of quid, but I still wouldnt get one because its too much of a bodge job....
got given one for nothing. tried it as it was easy enough. gave a very very rough idle. got to the bottom of my road then the car stalled. threw it away and was perfect after. must have given me a power increase of minus!!! NO THEY DONT WORK!
JuBz said:
fair enough it is a shite mod and bodge job..... and probably does some damage in one way or another...

But the geezer has like 99.9% positive feedback. Has anyone actually had it rolling roaded before and after its on?

To be honest even if it did add a few BHP it would be worth it, surely for a couple of quid, but I still wouldnt get one because its too much of a bodge job....
99% is becuse for a couple of quid who's gonna complain..only clowns would reckon it would work therefore they probably convince themselfs it does..kind of like a placebo
TallPaul86 said:
This is the sort of thread i would've started ffs... LoL aww we like a laugh

Like the 'my motor can pull' thread. :roll:

We've all done something we shoudnt of. :P
The resistor fools the Air Flow Meter into thinking the Air is cold (even though its not) therefore injecting more fuel! Honestly if you want one goto Maplin and buy one for 13p
I'm going to get slatted for this........

In theory they work and to a degree they will work in practice.... Now before you yell bollocks...... think about it

The resistor is changing the reading back to the ECU. Now lets have a example A N16 air temp sensor runs at 5v input through the sensor which is a resistor and feeds back to the ECU. Lets say at 10C you have 2 ohms of resistance the ECU may read the as 2.5 volts. so at 20C you have 1 ohm of resistance the ECU may read this as 3.5 volts. So if you add the resistor to bring it back down to 2 ohms at 20c the ECU will see it at 2.5volts therefore work out you have cold air going in and will increase the injection pulse to add more fuel.... as in older cars with a manual coke. Now depending on the Map and the sensor of the ECU will depend on if it will work. On A n16 you would see a quick change on the fuel injection pulse until the coolant temp sensor and the O2 sensor work out that the air temp sensor is a bit of a liar !
Now I'm not say that you would see a 5+ BHP gain because you won't but people with or have had a K11 micra may have had a flooding problem from cold start, this was fixed with a modified harness...... "A resistor" totally same theory as this.....

( Suppose I best get me coat and leave the room :rasp: )
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