Big lights problem


I had some problems fitting a new car radio, but got it fixed thanks to a mate and it seems to have messed up a lot of my lights.

I no longer have: Dashboard, tail, dimmed lights, rear fog and the noise to warn you, you left your lights on no longer works.

I'd imagine it's a blown fuse that's screwed over a whole circuit?

All my other lights work fine so I'm not sure what else it could be, surely not all my lights blew at the same time?

Any idea would be lovely, thanks.
first thing is check the fuse over and over again it must be a blown fuse.
if not check all the bulbs. it might be shorting out due to 1 blown bulb
if not check all the wiring for the lights to see if it has burnt out some where.

it was the 10amp fuse in the same box.

the problem was the aerial on my radio, for some reason it was blowing the fuse when i connected it and used my lights, went through like 4 fuses figuring this out lol.

cheers for the help, don't think i'll bother fixing the aerial unless it's easy to do so?
it was the 10amp fuse in the same box.

the problem was the aerial on my radio, for some reason it was blowing the fuse when i connected it and used my lights, went through like 4 fuses figuring this out lol.

cheers for the help, don't think i'll bother fixing the aerial unless it's easy to do so?

if its meant to be a 15Amp fuse and your runnin a 10 thats probably your problem.
it says on the box that it's a 10 though, maybe a misprint?

Also now I have another stupid problem, I can't use my car radio at the same time I use my lights. I think figure it's something to do with power and crossed wires?
sounds like the illumination wire on the radio clashing with the lights. try ripping out the radio and cutting the orange wire off the ISO.

well cut the blue wire and orange wire. you should be left with a red yellow and black wire enough to power a radio.
i've taken the orange and the blue wires out from the adaptor and still no change, the radio loses power when the car lights are switched on.

wish this would work :(
there must be a short some where.

get a multi-meter and test out

car chassis to red while engine on (lights off)
car chassis to yellow while engine on (lights off)

turn on lights

then test them again.

try and ground the radio to a bolt that is ground as Nissan use the aerial to ground the radio

if red is 0 then wire a wire from the ciggy lighter to the red

if yellow is 0 then wire a fuse from the fuse box to the yellow

when i put my radio in the first time my friend had to change some of the wires on the adaptor so they actually worked on my car and he's saying that maybe he put the illumination wire onto the main power by accident (we didnt have a voltmeter, we used a bulb and two wires)

so does anyone have a diagram of what each wire does in the power socket that comes from the car?
maybe that'll solve my problem.

he could simply have used the light circuit to get his switched live!

if so the extra load on the power source could cause it to be blowing
i tried a light blub + two wires

lights off:
yellow + ground worked.
red + ground worked.

lights on:
yellow + ground failed.
red + ground failed.

power gets completely cut when the lights are on

although on the strange odd occasion it would work for a shot period of time when i went to plug in the radio it would stop working, unless it was just my mind playing tricks on me
can i ask why he changed the wires as the wires should have been corect if the head unit is new only thing that maybe wrong way round would be the red and yellow best thing to do is get picture of wires in iso
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