I want to buy a Nissan Almera and have been to see my first one today. It was a 2005, 1.5 S. It all seemed fine apart from when I looked in the boot, by the spare wheel tray near the bumper there was a line of what looked like hard sand coloured putty. Is this evidence of damage to the car? (there didn't appear to be any exterior damage)
Apologies if this is a naive question.
Many Thanks,
I want to buy a Nissan Almera and have been to see my first one today. It was a 2005, 1.5 S. It all seemed fine apart from when I looked in the boot, by the spare wheel tray near the bumper there was a line of what looked like hard sand coloured putty. Is this evidence of damage to the car? (there didn't appear to be any exterior damage)
Apologies if this is a naive question.
Many Thanks,