Custom Fibreglass jobs.

Im wondering and this is only a thought... But im looking at different ways of modding my interior and one is custom fibreglass parts.

To start off reasonably small.. I want to know if there is anywhere that could say build be new door cards out of fibreglass sanded down and ready to spray :)

With custom speaker ports ect. I know i can do it myself by cutting out the old one to suit and filler ect. But it's still nice to know all my options.

So if anyone has done this or knows of places that are extremely good at this sort of thing could you throw me some links and such?

Many thanks

Ty sqeak and corbs :)

I was just interested as i thought it would look better then the stock ones modded.. id rather have one whole fitted unit built to how i want hehe
just to let you know that to make a full door card would cost about 5 times as much as just having your door cards modified most companys, myself included will make a casting mould of your door cards, then make the cards up. Then make them to the design you want from that. The same finished project can be acheived look wise with your door cards, just slightly heavier.
hehe roger that. Guess i'll have to keep tinkering around.
Btw andy s did his door speak pod with fibre glass first... however im abit confused as to how as the matting would sink around the edges whats that red gunk underneath the fibreglass thats giving it that nice curve i woulda said P38/40 but it looks like hell of alot of filler to use hehe
most probably expanding foam another way to do it is make your speaker rings, raise it up to the position you want with some dowl, then stretch 100% polyester fleese over it and cover with resin works just like fibreglass but easyer.
You can then cover with fibreglass.
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