Error code

I have a nissan Almera tino and the eml is on. I took it to a garage and they plugged in and got code P1266 but says it is a nissan code so they can't do anything. Thanks to the wonders of the internet I found out the code means Cylinder #6 high to low side short. This still means nothing to me so was wondering if anybody on here might know?
I broke down a few months back and had to have RAC out to start the car and he also had the same error code but didn't know what it was.

Almera tino
2.2 DCi SE 136
P1266 Is a fault with number 4 injector showing essively high or low voltage. There is a resistor built into the injector which could of gone faultly.

So it will either be wiring fault on an injector.
I recently had injector replaced as was broken and sensor was replaced when I got the car. Seems to be all the problems i've had with this car revolve around the fuel injector. Nissan apparently made sure the new injector was working as car craft did the fitting then passed it to Nissanto calibrate.
Was it that injector do you no? Really you should fit them as a set. Could be a wiring fault then, high resistance possable if it intermittant.
sorry to sound stupid but where is the wiring loom? I haven't got a clue about cars. Give me pc to take apart and fix and not a problem.
cheers for that, I shall see if there is any water settling around the wires and if I still having trouble in a few weeks I might just take you up on that offer.
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