Fitting a spoiler...

on my old sunny i drilled holes in the tailgate so i could fit my GTi spoiler lol, i obviously smoothed them out, painted and waxoyled them and i still see no rust 60k miles later :D mind you it was a chew on and i wish id just glued it on
Inside the tailgate, remove the upper trim around the window, should ping off, and there will be a hole either side, inside it will be a nut. So use a socket and carefully undo so you dont loose the nut inside the tailgate (it'll probably be recoverable around the base actually, if it does drop). Then you'll have to prize the edges of the spoiler off the tailgate. Theyre held on with large doublesided pads.

On refit, just bonded the lot on. I used superglue on the edges, that worked, but along the leading edge it did fuck all. The thing vibrates if im doing over 95, i'm sure the drag on it affects the car
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