Fitting Rear ICE - Any tips?

I was going to fit 6/9's were the old stocks were... But what good are shiny speakers if no one can see them right ;)

Any hints/tips on putting them in the parcel shelf... Its that or im about to build me a custom fibreglass boot *grin*
6x9's are shit mate, just put some updated 6.5 coaxial's in the stock positions, what do you want them 'all showey for anyway, 6x9s ain't nothing to brag about, LOL
Not for you maybe :) But its not about the bragging. Its my personal preference. And it beats the hell outta stocks and will be a start to what i want to do with a full boot conversion. For now and untill i've finished various other todo list bits i want something in there that will look nice and sound abit better. Untill i get in the bigger units and fibreglass the whole boot ;)

EDIT - Oh and my model car doesnt have 6.5's :P They have 69.2's in the rear.
Not by personal preference mate, it's my profession, don't put 6x9s in the rear shelf, especially if you intend on putting subs in the boot, I've put infinity 6.5s in the reAr of kez's and it sounds loads better,

Honestly mate, decent sub and 6.5s powered by an amp will sound much better than any 6x9 and sub set up

Think about it, what is a sub designed to do, move large amounts of air which creates bass, and the boot in a car helps as it creates another 'box' for sub, listen to a sub in a car the. Remove the seats, loads different,

With the 6x9s in the shelf, all the pressure push's on the cones of the 6x9s, making them sound shit,

Also, sound is essentially 3 things

High notes
Low notes
And mids

Tweeters create high notes, subs low notes, 6x9s make low notes and high, although if you have a sub you already have bass, which again makes them pointless, and the music will sound crap, 6.5s provide a great amount of mid, and make the music sound 'fuller'

Yeah 6x9s may make your cAr sound bassier and make stuff rattle, but they sound shit and aren't needed
Im limited on budget atm as i have other things to attend to :)

So a set of 6x9's will do me untill i can fit out the boot properly with a new shell and the amps and subs. Im using the stock stereo atm untill i can afford to pick up a good aftermarket unit. So ill take your advice in hand when i have the cash to spill out on a decent set of 6.2's plus the amps the shell ect ect.

So as for the fact i dont have a sub. The 6x9's will work fine untill i replace it with the sub and 6.2's :)

EDIT - And still personally i think 6x9's look better then alot of the 6.2's ive seen.
Apologies for hijacking the thread but I need to improve on the N16's standard front speaker set up. Am I right in saying that a set of component speakers to replace the stock speakers is the first step. Also - can you recommend an inexpensive set?
Cheers - Andy
Ive running a pair of infinity 6.5" comps in the front of mine, and they are mint! ive only got 1 pair of speakers in the car, and they are easily better than when i had the 4 standard speakers in there.....also much better sound quality than my vibe sek60 comps i had amp'd up in my last car.

dave you can get uprated 6x4 speakers to fit the back of our meras, infinity make some, and i think they are around £40 mark, i can highly recommmend infinity product, i'll show you why next week bud :D
but if you insist on 6x9 make sure you renforce the shelf from underneath with mdf and box in the speakers from underneath this will stop what the sub will do as previously stated oh and monka knows his stuff.
Cool cool :D I opted for ripped off the door panel and modding it slightly so i can fit my Edge Comp speakers in :)

Was on my todo list so thought id start now ^^ Piccys when its finished

I'll grab a sub and skip the rears for now then.

Thanks monka and fox!
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