Hi i recently had a engine transplant in my 2000 p2 gti, because i ran out of oil and completely ceased the engine so i decided instead of rebuilding the engine i would just drop in a replacement it came out of a 98 gti. It runs ok seems to pull better then the original engine but has no top end power doesnt pull after about 5700 rpm and has a flat spot around the 4 rpm mark. we advanced the ingnition timing as far as it would go and the flat spot went but it still has no top end power. Then i got the car dyno'd to see what power it was actually putting out and to see if the fueling was correct he said the fuelling was perfect and the car was putting out about 90kw at the wheels which is near enough the standard power. is it normal that i can run with the timing fully advanced without it pinking and why it had no top end power?