gear knob

screws off anticlockwise, sometimes glued onto the threads so need a bit of uumph to get them off, however some people have absolutely no probs getting them off :confused: so its the luck of the draw to be honest
My N15 one won't come off,
But I've thought about using one of the oil filter removers that use a strap mechanism? Might work...
Strap wrench is supposed to work... It sort of did for me except it pulled the rubber knob off the plastic nut that attaches to the shaft

how wrong did the above sentence sound
WildChild88 said:
Strap wrench is supposed to work... It sort of did for me except it pulled the rubber knob off the plastic nut that attaches to the shaft

how wrong did the above sentence sound

Been trying for weeks with my new N16 and can only get it a 1/4 turn whatever I try.
Last one just twiddled off after a little effort. Seems to be pot-luck how easy it will be.
almerasiflame said:
mmm tryed turning it but it wont budge might be a jr hack saw job

I ended up using a hacksaw, and then had to use a chisel to get the plastic off, wouldn't advise using the chisel though as you could damage the gearbox... im just stupid :P
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