
  • Thread starter Thread starter Yeldham
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After a few months of careful driving the inevitable has happened. Half my gearbox went to sleep. I figure this is a weak point of the older almeras. mine is a n reg si. Does any one have a reconditioned one, or no where i can get one from?
ok, new question regarding the gearbox.... early models had weak gear boxes?? correct?
from what year/ reg was that problem resolved?
I think it was the N16 model with that problem, from what i know the N15's were fine - My SRi is still on its orginal box after 130,000 miles AFAIK
Ive never heard that before about N15s. I think N16s however and the P11-144 (from the same era as the N16), had some sort of design flaw where the oil fill plug was 1" too low so the gearbox was never filled to the proper capacity.
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