got an new n16 almera

hello everyone just picked up my nissan almera 1.8 sport 2000 ,

looking forward for all your helpful advice and CHEAP mods to do
just moved over from a nissan micra ONCE U GO JAP U NEVER GO BACK as they say LOL
can do all sorts on the cheap if you can find the parts, i started off by scrap yard raiding to see what i could find that wasn't on my mera that was on others gathered a collection of parts such as sideskirts and a rear roof spoiler, but your being the sport you should already have those.

depends what your going for tbh, if your going for looks or a increase in speed ect, there is an endless list of thing you can do, i suggest looking through some members rides threads and get some ideas from there

and welcome btw :)
Needed a family wagon. N16s are great cars and I certainly miss mine (still have to see it every day, lol).
Other cheap mods like de-badging the rear, Phase 2 rear wiper arm and spraying/colour coding the chrome grill bits are quite sweet too. Plenty of inspiration on here like :cool:
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