Grill - where from


First time on the forum so hello!

I'm trying to get hold of a standard grill, passenger side, for my 1.5 almera...has anyone got any ideas? 53-plate (I can see plenty for 03 plates but not the 53 frustratingly enough).

Cheers in advance
Phase 2 started in 2003 so 03 plates should have the same grills - I've seen phase 2 N16s on 52 plates.

Scrappys are normally cheaper than the likes of eBay though.
Cheers guys, they just look a bit different as the grill on the other side hasn't got the tabs that the pictures of the 03 ones I've seen for sale have.

Will try it anyway. Can't track any down at scrappies!
Key thing to look for is the honeycomb mesh. The phase 1 grilles have slots.

Attached is what you're after (normally with chrome strips).


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That's it exactly thanks. If anyone sees one in a local scrappie please drop me a pm and pick it up for me! Will gladly cover the cost and postage plus some beer money!
Hey mate. Im heading to my local scrappy to have a hunt for some bits for my n16.

If i spot ya grill i'll pick it up for you. Gimme a budget though cause i havent got the faintest clue what you'd pay for it ^_^

Heh no it wouldnt. Paint them matt or satin black though and it's a big improvement :).
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