H/U dead! (what have I done?)

O.K, Last weekend I decided to dismantle the GTis dash (to see which bits came off & which bits didn`t). ;)

I`ve just put the radio back in, (Pioneer radio/cassette, I think it`s the one out of Kelvs Nx :confused: ) turned the ignition on, pressed power,........nothing! :confused:

Checked the fuses (10 amp on the back of the H/U & the 15 amp "audio" under the dash) all are fine, still nothing.

Would leaving it disconnected, sitting in the garage for a week have summat to do with it? :confused:

All I`ve done is un-plug it, leave it for a week & plug it back in. :(

Any ideas greatly received.
Have you earthed it correctly?

If you have a volt metre check that you are getting a permenant signal down the live wire (on the car nothe stereo btw) and then check that the igntion is working by putting the volt metre on it should read zero then switch ignition to position 2 and it should jump to 12 volts. If they are fine then maybe try a new wiring loom for the back of the stereo.

I know this sounds obvious :D but whe i unplug my stereo then plug it back in. when I start the car it doesnt come on automatically like normall i have to push the on button? worth checking
i'd say its definitley an earth, had the same problem and know of others with the exact same problem aswell... hope you get it sorted.
For some wierd reason my head unit only works if you plug in the aerial connenctor.
I didn't bother (never listen to radio) and spend forever trying to work out what was wrong. Plugged in the aerial and presto - it was working fine.

Unlikely to be your problem but thought I'd mention it anyway.
wraith0x29a said:
For some wierd reason my head unit only works if you plug in the aerial connenctor.
I didn't bother (never listen to radio) and spend forever trying to work out what was wrong. Plugged in the aerial and presto - it was working fine.

Unlikely to be your problem but thought I'd mention it anyway.

thats because the aerial is acting as the earth/ground aswell... thats the way a few of the radios are earthed.. you could have a seperate earth which is ment to be better but dont know how true this is.
Am I the only Almera owner who's found their head unit earths through the cage? Loads of people have said it earths through the aerial, but mine only worked when it was sat in the cage, aerial plugged in or not.
mine sparked when screwing the radio back into the cage so must earth through that aswell, worked fine without the ariel plugged in aswell (i.e. screwed in the cage without the ariel, i forgot to plug it back in :O )
24SEVEN said:
Am I the only Almera owner who's found their head unit earths through the cage? Loads of people have said it earths through the aerial, but mine only worked when it was sat in the cage, aerial plugged in or not.

my old 1.4 used to be earthed at the cage so your not alone.. it worked fine with the standard and after market radio i stuck in.
I've had the aerial come loose and become completely disconnected a few times, but everything still worked!

while we're on the subject, somehow disconnecting my rear speaker wires so I could fit some wheels in the boot (sprint was there), I managed to blow the inline 80A fuse that powers the 2 amps in the back of my car. the fuse itself is just behind the battery and I didn't touch the amps nor power up the head unit between turning them off and parking to get the wheels, and connecting it all back together at home!
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