Heat shield trouble

Hi all,

This morning I started to get a rattling sound at low revs. After some investigation, I've found that the exhaust heat shield half way down the underside has come loose and is now being held on by just one bolt on the drivers side. Here's a photo...


So my question is, how best do I go about fixing the problem, if at all? I've attempted to take off the corroded bolts, but they're turning in their place and not unscrewing at all. After having a quick google session, I've seen a couple of suggestions that the shield is surplus to the operation of the car, and that an easy fix would just be to tear it off and go without.


you may notice the tunnel on the interior getting a bit warm, but apart from that its fine.

Doh.... just realised the heatshield is at the top. I was assuming he was talking about the heatshield around the pipe. My mistake..
Thanks to everyone for the help on this one!

I took off the heat shield tonight (felt as though it was made from wafers - not a sturdy bit of kit at all) and I spotted two black pipes running along the recess above the exhaust. Just to check, this is nothing to worry about, right? Here's a pic-


Also annoyingly, having started the engine afterwards to double check that the heat shield was definitely the source of the rattling (which it was), it now sounds like one of the engine belts is going, as it's producing a repetitive high pitched squeak.

Car problems are like buses. And I've only had the car two weeks.
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