help please

anyone any idea why my 1.5 sve is lacking power it revs freely at a standstill but has no power when the pedal is pressed and only accelerates gently the car is on an 04 plate
Welcome :)

There's a number of reasons why this would happen. How many miles has it done? The 1.5 is known to have timing chain issues, or it could be a slipping clutch, or the MAF needs cleaning or replacing. When was it last serviced? Oil, oil filter, air flter and fuel filter all ok? Have you had the ECU checked for any codes? Is the engine management light on? etc
no engine management ligt on all serviced about 8 month ago the clutch is not slipping either.timing chain i have no idea how to check it does not rattle when revved just lacks power. thankyou
is it the fly by wire throttle? id put mony on that not opening all the way.. it will rev freely when theres no load but when under load it will drive like its on part throttle..

has it started doing it or has it always been slow?
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