
Went to lock the car today and the button seems to have wen't further in and i can't lock the car. I can unlock it nobother. The spare key was nackered when i got it with both buttons pushed in to far. So basically i need a new key now as the boot is constantly unlocked but i can lock the 2 other doors from hte inside.

Im guessing im going to have to go to Nissan and get them to copy the key and all the immobilisor crap aswell?

Is this a common fault with the buttons getting stuck?

How much do Nissan usually charge for a new key?

Oh its a 1.5 N16.

Went to Nissan today and there charging £120 for a new key. Is this around the right price or are they taking the piss? It's only the lock button thats not working so can't they just change the key itself and not all the immobilister tuning in and that crap at a cheaper price?
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