Went to lock the car today and the button seems to have wen't further in and i can't lock the car. I can unlock it nobother. The spare key was nackered when i got it with both buttons pushed in to far. So basically i need a new key now as the boot is constantly unlocked but i can lock the 2 other doors from hte inside.
Im guessing im going to have to go to Nissan and get them to copy the key and all the immobilisor crap aswell?
Is this a common fault with the buttons getting stuck?
How much do Nissan usually charge for a new key?
Oh its a 1.5 N16.
Im guessing im going to have to go to Nissan and get them to copy the key and all the immobilisor crap aswell?
Is this a common fault with the buttons getting stuck?
How much do Nissan usually charge for a new key?
Oh its a 1.5 N16.