

i have a 1999 gti. i was driving along in third gear and all of a sudden i lost drive. the cluch seems fine and it goes in to gear but dosent drive. has anyone go any idea what wrong???? HELP!!!!
Does it rev whilst in gear? Could a driveshaft have come out, resulting in no power due to the open diff? (Am i talking shit, Simcard, Wayne? lol)
driveshaft wont have come out coz the length of them they can't just come out like that. probs either clutch of gear box fucked
Check the gear linkage to see if its come off, the engine to see if its broken a mount (Especially at the back where it mounts to the gearbox)
the cluch was changed last year the grinding happens when the engine is on. the linkage aint gone that i have cheaked. i can only think it is the gearbox.
i would be tempted to take it apart and have a look at the clutch. onlt a few hours work iif you know what your doing.
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