Hi all :)


Im new here and need help but im unable to post in the help section. I apologise now for posting here so pls dont be angry.

Only recently on my 1998 Almera GX 1.4 it has decided to start juddering as im pulling away in 1st gear and very briefly in 2nd gear but then its fine through the rest. It makes no difference if the car is cold or hot, it always seems to do it.

The car seems to make knocking noises as im driving to, which im unsure if its coming from engine bay or suspension. Personally im thinking these issues are connected.

And, my clutch cable has become very heavy, squeaky, spongey. Would this simply be a case of lubricating or replacing??

Im sorry for all the above as its long winded but im desperate :( i cant afford another car and need to keep this beast on the road.

Any/All advice qill be very much appreciated and i'll be very grateful.

Thanks every1
HI, how many miles on the car?

could all be linked to a fucked clutch
its just passed 110k on the clock. There is no slipping or anything on the clutch as far as i can tell. Is there anyway i can check it?
ello n welkom

have a quick check of the engine mounts. put a pry bar between the body and the rubber on the mount t check for play.
hello again

will do the engine mount check soon :) thanks for all advice

Clutch is still very heavy, so while passing a garage today, i popped in and asked for a quick check. Guy said that its prob clutch on its way out. He said it has already been adjusted as much as possible (he was fiddling with this thing on the end of cable where it attaches to top of box) and said it cant go anymore.

Does this sound normal to you guys? When your clutch is fooked, does it become heavier?

thanks again :)
Just to add

i've read on other websites that possibilties could be:

Bent lever??
Clutch master cylinder and slave cylinder are fooked??

Any ideas please

thanks again
hi again guys

right ok i've got a new clutch, £55 which i think is OK? Cant get it fitted till next wkend but my problem is that I live near Newcastle, and on Sunday ive gotta drive to watford for work and through the week there will be plenty of short stop start trips, then i've gotta drive back home :(

will it last?
If like u say the clutch is not slipping, theres no reason why it won't last

Just drive it easy and you should be fine

I had a 1997 almera 1.4, and i the judders in 1st, It turned out to be the gear box,

Hope you get sorted... ;)
ok thanks

did you have a heavy clutch also when you had the gearbox problem?? Im just hoping it is the clutch that is fooked, nothing worse than wasting money if its not the clutch and its really the gearbox :( my friend thinks its heavy cause the pressure plate is fooked. Its roughly going to be a 530 mile round trip so i hope it lasts

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