Hi Everyone

Just joined and thought i'd say hi. I own an Almera Tino, but i guess at least it's still an Almera:roll:. I was after some help if possible, i am trying to remove the stereo so i can fit a new head with MP3, but as it is the new style dashboard with everything built in. i'm not sure where to start. If anyone has any ideas, it would be appreciated. Anyway, Hi again...:)
Thanks everyone for the welcomes and help. Here is a pic of the inside of the same Tino as mine. I'm just worried about removing the standard unit if it stops the air con etc' working. Why they don't put a standard sized unit in that you can remove if you want to is beyond me;), still i guess i will find a way around it eventually, and then i can have much better quality sound. Anyways, here is the pic of the interior, any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again everyone.............
you need to have a photobucket account... up load them on to the profile then use the link and pust them on to the a new post.

if that makes any sence :)
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