Hi from France

Bonjour tout le monde !

I own a '96 N15 1.4 and I love it ! It's not technically my first car but I had the previous one for a few months only so let's say it is. I got it in quite bad condition, and even if I don't plan on repairing the body parts, I still have a few technical problems to fix. I'm totally new to this so I hope you guys can help me ! Also, I don't speak English very well so I hope it's not too annoying. I will have a lot of difficulties with technical words in the beginning.

Thanks !
Thanks ! For example, I have this...

Mechanics don't want to repair it.

Also, I don't have the exact english words, but the plug of the gearbox (where you put the oil) moves a bit because a stupid mechanic overtorqued it and destroyed the thread. So it leaks oil and it's often hard to switch gears. The gas pedal moves for like 1 - 2 cm before actually pulling the cable, but if I try to adjust it, when I put it to the floor it stretches the cable before hitting the bottom. And these days, when starting the engine, sometimes it makes a horrible sound of grinding gears and doesn't move the engine. Then I release the key and try again and it works perfectly.
Okay, the tachometer issue can be sorted by swapping in a working unit. (Whole instrument panel.)
I remember reading about an actual fix, but can't find it at the moment. My bet is that it involved repairing broken solder joints.

The gearbox filler hole could be re-threaded for a slightly bigger plug, needs some work though. You don't want bits of metal going into the gearbox.

The throttle cable can be adjusted by using the two nuts in the cable bracket next to the throttle body, under the air filter housing.

Last problem sounds like the starter is going bad. The solenoid can sometimes be problematic, check that first.
Okay, the tachometer issue can be sorted by swapping in a working unit. (Whole instrument panel.)
I remember reading about an actual fix, but can't find it at the moment. My bet is that it involved repairing broken solder joints.

You can just swap the tacho. You don't need to swap the rest as the mileage would not match.

Thanks guys, I will post a thread for the tachometer if I have enough time. Also, I'm a student so I have very low budget.

I already tried to adjust the cable but if I tighten it, the cable stops the pedal before it reaches the floor, and I guess it's not really a good idea to stretch the cable every time I speed up.
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