Hi From South America

Hi people!
During this week i will be the new owner of a Almera n15...
I'm really geting in love with the car... Watching pictures and videos
i have a lot ideas for the car and Proyect's that i spect to complete some day :)
Sorry about my english that its very bad :(
See ya!!
Some pictures!



I think not, The last owner bought that front end from Japan and it came with that grill!
My idea is to change it for the Vzr grill !
Welcome! I was in Bogota in Colombia a few years ago, what are the roads like in Chile?

Do you mean in quality? I can assured you that are thousand of times better than in colombia...
I go every year to bogota, and the roads there are the worse road's that i ever seen!
But that's offtopic ahhahahaa
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