Indicator vent

This is my cold air feed vent.
I decided to make my own indicator vent, when i degloded the indicators.
I cut the lense with a little cutting disc on my dremmel. Then i painted the back of the lense black, got some mesh, siliconed it in and stuck the lense back together. Then just left it a day for the paint and silicone to dry and hey presto. :thumb:



Close up

Cold pipe to the K&N

What ya think?
Real good donne mate!!

How did you take the glass off? 200 degrees in the owen, og in some boiling water?

Looks real good mate!
rowdy-GTi said:
Looks great mate, a finer black mesh would look best.

Originaly i did have the mesh spray painted black, but when i put on the car you could see right through the mesh and see the inner wing standing out like a saw thumb, and it didn't look good.
So i took the lense off again and replaced it with silver instead, now the mesh catches your eye (being lighter and all that) and dont draw attention to the inner wing.
prizma said:
Real good donne mate!!

How did you take the glass off? 200 degrees in the owen, og in some boiling water?

Looks real good mate!

Heated around the edge of the lense with a hair dryer, only for a few mins just to soften up the glue. Then carefully prised the lense from the back casing with a few screwdrivers.
does this meen that water and shit can get into the indicator to the bulb or have you seperated the bulb from the vented part> just think that it could be a problem with water and electrics etc
The electrics are safe and sound.
when i put the lense back on i sealed it with black silicone, so no water can get inbetween the lense and the back part of the indicator.
As for the bulb, the bulb holder is sealed with a o-ring and there are thight rubber grommets where the wires go into the bulb housing. so theoretically (touch wood!) no water can get to the bulb and the electrical conectors to corrode them up. :roll:
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