ipod on standard stereo

hi all, i just wondered if anyone has put ipod to stereo and which way they did it?
I don't really want to use the fm transmitter way as i've heard the sound can be terrible.
i've seen adaptor boxes for between £35 and £75 quid which plug into autochanger socket and work, has anyone got one ?
I've seen the cassete option but is the sound any good?
If you've heard any of these play can you give them a mark out of 10.
thanks for looking
If its gona cost that much to get standard stereo playing ipod, buy a Ipod ready headunit with it built in.. kill 2 birds with onestone :lol:
might go with that option yet but really wanted to keep the steering remote working and can't find an adaptor for that. cheers
I used to play my ipod through the short range broadcaster, now I have a £49 panasonic headunit with the input jack on the front (But no ipod as it broke as apple are poo heads who make fisher price computers).
corbs what was your opinion of the short range broadcaster? i've only read that the sound wasn't that good not actually talked to someone
ok cheers mate, might try that way as it is cheap, am just trying to keep the steering controls as my daughter will be driving it and i'd like her to keep her eyes on the road lol
Those cassette adapters aren't great for sound quality, but if all you want is the sound out of the speakers you can't go wrong for a quid (Poundland IIRC).
Ipod etc

My wife loves her ipod and has the ipod transmitter for the car and she says its great. No interference, no hiss just perfect stereo.
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