JGTC SR20 engine and sequential transmission

Best bet is probably asking on pulsar.org.au seeing as they're closer to Japan and would hopefully know more about that. Id never heard of Japan Grand Touring Car up until reading this post.
Th3k3ymast3r said:
A colleague has a JGTC SR20 engine and sequential transmission for sale and was wondering what's it worth?

Thanks in advance.

I'd imagine that box is worth at least £1000 them boxes are stupid money new. Any specs of engine?
what bo is it?? if its an xtrack then there close to 10K new.. what spec is the engine built to?? if its an ex janspeed touring car one then there weorth alot!! get some pics up but there not cheap is it for a 200sx swell so its RWD?? to many questions to just put a price on it dude..
Thanks for the comments, I'll ask him for more specs and history with pics.
He is based in Japan, he works for "Endless R".

You'd be pleased to know that the AOC responded far faster than pulsar.org.au have taken to decide whether to allow me to post anything on their forum in order I ask them about this topic! I hope they let me in?!
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