Key replacement due to lock wear - 2002 N16.

Was wondering what the cheaper options are:
Have 1 key only (all that came with the car).

My driver's side door lock doesn't work well at all (lots and lots of jiggling about now required to get it in a certain position so that it will operate the lock). I've been informed this is due to wear of both the key and of the lock itself. I've been using the remote unlock/lock functions to get in and out as its significantly easier at present, although even these buttons aren't in that great a shape, and need pushing at a certain point to operate.

A similar problem has developed with this same key and the ignition barrel/switch itself (i.e. needs to be in a particular position to work the lock), although thankfully this is not too bad at present so it doesn't take too long each time, but i imagine this is only going to get worse.

Standard key copy shop is a no-go, big name brand on the high street made multiple attempts and failed, key/lock is too worn for them. I've been told to look for an automative locksmith as they reckoned they'd be able to make a key to imitate the current insides of the lock (I'm in South Wales, if anyone cares to recommend someone!)

Is there anything stopping me buying a 2nd hand key off eBay or similar and programming it to my car (i imagine it's a certain button combination to code learn or something, and i'm sure i still have a link somewhere that spells out the combination to press), so that i can keep the remote locking... If this is true, and if i did this, would that fob then also work the immobiliser functions, so i can then get an automotive locksmith to simply replace the key blade with something that works on my worn ignition barrel? (would probably be the best as then i'd have 2 keys, both working the remote central locking and both working in my ignition barrel). Not so bothered about the key blade working in the driver's door when i can use the central locking remotely... (especially as that's the more-worn lock).

No passenger-side lock as a backup unfortunately, so i need to get something done about this soon, but the idea of going to the dealer and/or getting both locks replaced (especially the ignition barrel itself!) fills me with dread. This is quite disappointing on a car with not much over 70K on the clocks :(
Yes you can get a second hand working key/fob and programme it too your car. It will do everything your old key fob did.
I'd say its more of a worn key blade issue than a worn lock mechanism.
I have a key blade, door lock and ignition barrel from a ph1 N16 if you're interested.

(ignition barrel will come attached to the steering column)
Thanks for the offer and help both. I'm going to an automotive locksmith in the next few days to get a key cut to code and then possibly modified to compensate for wear. It won't be costing much because i've bought a 2nd hand set of keys and a brand new key blank off eBay and programmed the 2nd hand fob to my car (so i now have two working remote key fobs), so all the locksmith has to do is cut the blank correctly.

If this doesn't work, i'll let you know Liam, as i'd be looking at replacing locks at that point due to lock wear.
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