launch control

hey guys! my mate has just bought a bog standard 1.4 97! he's really just messing around with it! so he was just wondering what the stary with those launch controls are? are they any crac? do they work? need a tutbo or not? easy to fit? i found one on ebay for 20 euro so its woth a shot! what ya reckon guys? any info or suggestions well appriciated lads, thanks!
post a link.....

Launch controll is a fickle word.. the way i define it is a system that can hold the car at peak reves with your foot on full throttle untill the car starts moving then it switches off and allows you to rev as normal..

the easyest way to do this is with a simple ign cut limiter and have it on a switch on the steering wheel. have the limiter set up where you want to launch from and have the earth switch on the steering wheel you hold it down to turn the limiter on.. go full throttle and it hold you at the revs you want, then once launched your off the switch and your away..

others think launch controll is anti lag ect but thats a whole different thing..
o wait im not sure if this is even this? what does this thing do?|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318
yeah thats just a bleed valve.. its basically an expencive way of putting small holes in the feed to the wastegate! lol
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