I've done the reverse. Taken the electrics out and fitted manual. If you need some motors I have some. All the mounting holes are the same, you will just need the loom for the doors.
yeah they bolt straight in mate the door loom is a separate entity to the interior loom it connects to the interior via the socket just under the door hinge (which I'm sure you knew already)
as for the wiring inside the car there is a place in the fuse board for the electric window relay, it's possible that the wiring is already there ready bud.
The doors are longer on the 3 door so i'd say that the loom won't be long enough if you are using the door loom from the 4 door.
The central locking part of the loom definately wouldn't fit as it wouldn't be long enough to reach the door solenoid. I think the window motors are the same for both the 3 and 4 door. Can't see Nissan making 2 types of motor.
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