Mintex c-tech question

my friend on VW Golf 3 have these way rotation...and now i am in big :confused: :confused:

Fu*k :mad: I got wrong install :( I drive my Mera with that install over 6 month and no problems :eek: can i change the rotation now or not?! With new set of brake pads!
i got the answer from Mintex...


Thanks for your enquiry regarding our products.

The discs you have fitted are correct.

Kind Regards


Richard Barton
Motorsport Administrator
TMD Friction UK Ltd
Tel +44 (0) 1274 854000
Fax +44 (0) 1274 854057

beretta93r said:
I'm lost... I thought they when this way: (the arrow pointing forward)

me too :lol: My friend on Golf 3 have that way and my other friend on Toyota MR2 have that way like I do! :confused: :P
here is another answer from Mintex...

Hi Tomislav,

I understand your confusion, the discs can go either way, companies like AP Racing and Alcon both have discs in there range that work either way ours are the same.



Richard Barton
Motorsport Administrator
TMD Friction UK Ltd
Tel +44 (0) 1274 854000
Fax +44 (0) 1274 854057

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