My Almera *night-time photoshoot*


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My Almera **updated pics**

Just some of my pic's, just sorting out my cam and getting more pics of my car from mate. Most pics are from the front since best feature of the car, lol

I need new wheels :( :( :(







3rd pic? Basterd mechanic lying to me is what it is! You can't notice it until you lie down and look up, I didn't notice it until went and took pics of car. Looks quite bad in that pic but isn't up close.....moving on ;)
Yeah was going to say I quite like the wheels! Although not entirely sure what you mean by what is wrong with the headlights...
Wheels are all scratched and massive chips taken out of them thanks the person who had the car with the wheels before me and havn't got the cash right now for new wheels or to get these refurbed. There's a gap between bumper and headlights...:(
Re the wheels, could you not give them a go yourself? Paul_D_GTi did his, and I'll need to do mine properly sometime.

Headlights: Ah yes I did wonder if it was that. Could you try putting a few washers in the topmost bolts of the headlights?
looks VERY nice, love it in that blue. A credit to tha Si's :thumbs:. The wheels arnt that bad keep em, spend the money on somethinge else like a GTi kit i say...

Still cant get a proper look on side with the black strip removed Grrrrr!!! :mad:
go back to the basterd mechanic and throw a rock at him! why did you have a him/her workin on your body work?
I was told by alot of people that they guy was shit hot at his job even if he did take his time, rest of the bodywork is fine though. Pretty happy with the job though. Like i said can hardly notice it.

Hmm think i might just keep car way it is to be honest, plan was full gti kit but after being in a gti rather actually have the gti, just need new exhuast thats all.

Slick Rick i have couple more pics, lol jsut been busy and havn't had time to upload, i'll get it done!

Thanks for the comments though guys.
clean as a whistle fella! :D

Had my JDM grill from Andrew now, getting it coded and on the car in a week or too. Along with the back arch work :rolleyes:
Looks great mate. Stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Need to start saving hard to get mine looking as good as that!!!

Nice motor buddy :) , you likely to drop it any further? :confused: I can't get a finger between my arch and tyre anymore :P , suspension is firm as hell, not too good on a cobbled road :eek: but it sticks to the roads alot better, I suggest that any time and its not too expensive...
cheers for comments guys :) havn't heard bad word bout my car :D:D:D

i'd love to drop it further but can't afford it really, mabye if rick rents me out his 18's though would look better ;)
Lol he has offered to sell them to me but i'm so skint for another couple month's at least! Worth a shot eh ;)
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