My grille so far, progress pics

Right, decided to make an open mesh grille out of my standard phase one grille, its not finished yet but its coming along nicely, heres some pics for you all, i'll get more up when its finished.


Majority of centre cut out, awaiting fine tuning


Fine tuning done, fibreglassed bottom middle section, first attempt at fibreglassing, pretty proud of it :)


bottom middle filled in with p38 filler, kept a wee raised bit cos i quite like it :)
first attempt at using filler too, hasnt gone too badly.

thats all the pictures for now, i need to fibreglass and fill the bit along the top then prime and paint it and get some mesh then whack it back on the car :)
yeah, same actually, lol, all that needs to be done is the filler taken down a bit more with the good old sanding block :). the top is gona be a nightmare, i hate fibreglassing, too messy
looking good there.

where you chopped the middle parts out, your left with a step where that part joins the part at the front, have you smoothed that down to eliminate the step. I did and it looked so much better and smooth
Heres a picture of the bit from behind, this was before i had finished sanding it so the "bulge" isnt that big, its noticable but not too big.


cov, i think i understand what you're saying and yeah, i made it so it was smooth with no "step" where the middle section had been cut out.
it'll be middle or end of next week, taking it slow, i'm lazy you see :)

currently driving about with no grille, its a good look :)
Im in the middle of doing this at the moment as well, Chopped out the middle and when im back at college Im going to do the messy bits :)
Why would it be easier with a P2? I was going to look for a P1 so I could do something like this with that bump on the bottom, looks cool:

Maybe you could get some black mesh and stick an Si badge on like that Nismo badge.

Anyway, keep us posted with your progress, want to see how this turns out...
sorry, i'm talking crap, lol, yeah, probably would be easier with the p1 grille :)

should hopefully be fnished by the end of next week if i can get my ass in gear and do something for a change.
Slick Rick said:
Why would it be easier with a P2? I was going to look for a P1 so I could do something like this with that bump on the bottom, looks cool:

Maybe you could get some black mesh and stick an Si badge on like that Nismo badge.

Anyway, keep us posted with your progress, want to see how this turns out...

the number plate of that car - one of the guys i work beside had N450 MUD. lol, same garage i bet.
Fiiiiiinnniiissddded, apart from some black mesh, lol


everything looks a bit wonky for some reason in that picture, the bonnet isnt completely straight along the bottom edge anyway.

also my first attempt at using a spray gun to paint, the only bit that went wrong was the halford laquer :)
Halfords laquer is shocking, needs a lot of warmth to dry smoothly. Grille looks good mate, like you say black mesh will set it off really well.
So you got a compressor in the end then :lol:

Where did u buy the primer and paint for the gun??

did you have to thin it or anything?
got the paint and thinner and hardener and everything in a propper paint mixing shop near me, was about £25 for 1L of paint and £7 for 1L of thinners, mix it 1:1 + 10% hardener with paint so you effectively get 2L of paint :)

the paint match is pretty good too, i sprayed a bit on my back bumper which isnt too good, as you can see here


but thats really just old paint and new paint i think, maybe sprayed it a bit too thick aswel...

excuse the handle thing too, that was just a wee experiment, lol
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