my white 5 door

well i posted in newbie section not long ago thought i might aswell start a thread off in this section. bought this car a few months ago with 111k on clock and i'll be honest when i first got it it was a right dog:P. the previous owners had it stood for months under a tree and it was covered in tree sap and moss and leaves manged to get themselves everywere was a mess.
but after about 4-5 hours of washin and t-cut got it lookin like this.


and that was pretty much how it looked till this weekend when its all gone tits up :P.
needed brakes doin realy badly so and handbrake was sticking got it all jacked up ready did fronts cleaned all disks up new pads all done not a problem all was lovely :) got a set of ebc ultimax pads seen as green stuff dint really seem that neccacery to me cause its not exactly a fast almera.... yet :P

then jacked rear up and got it on stands


dirty old looking rear disk :P


disk lookin lot better now :)


all back together :) new pads in


carried on doin rest of it and wen i was done thought while it was on the stands and wheels were out of the way i might as well take all the mank off cause they were bubbling through on both sindes did passenger side first cleaned up a dream got it all primed and ready for a layer of stone chip followed by white again :P


looks better already just for havin a coat of primer :)


so that side was the easy bit now this is were the shit hit the fan :(

as you can see the outlook for this side isnt good from the start :(

before i even started sandin i just gave the underneith a quick glance and it was through allready :( ( i guess this is the price you pay for a 10 year old car :( ) so given that i tried to take the rust off as far down as i could as soon as the disk so much as touched the rotten bit it just went through like cheese pretty much :(.

thats a pic after a rough cleaning up


heres the hole left after cutting the rot out ( the shiny bit being were the outer half of the sill joined the underside which well isnt there anymore lol :P


heres the butchered remains of the rotten bit :P


so yeah got that all done now got my mate comin over next weekend hopefully to fabricate some sheet metal to replace whats been cut out and he's pretty shit hot wen it comes to meta so should be barely noticable if at all when its done :). so for the time being its got primer on to protect it and its sat on the drive while i use the old family runaround the good ol clio :P wish i could get insured on ma dads nivara or i'd be beastin that around instead:P. but in the meantime am stayin positive :) it'll get fixed and look so much better for it and then i can start to look at moddin :) cause theres no point in anything till i've got a solid car to start with.

so list upto now

sort out rust - almost there :)
new wheels - next plan after rust
slammage - not done
exsaust - not done
gti spoiler - not done
new grill - not done
breathing - not done

next big update will most likly be next weekend when all the metalwork is done and it starts to look more like a car again :)

any comments or suggestions would be appreciated
Ha ha snap mate, been doin ma sills today to. Both sides were bloody rotten. popped holes in both sides. Gotta take it to get plates welded asap. Treated rust around arches etc with jenolite and primed it all ready for spray. Cuious as to why you have rear discs and not drums. Thought only the GTI had rear discs. Looking good so far mate. Keep it up. I'll Pm ya tommo about the mods. Been long day today doin this so gonna hit the hay soon.
Ha ha snap mate, been doin ma sills today to. Both sides were bloody rotten. popped holes in both sides. Gotta take it to get plates welded asap. Treated rust around arches etc with jenolite and primed it all ready for spray. Cuious as to why you have rear discs and not drums. Thought only the GTI had rear discs. Looking good so far mate. Keep it up. I'll Pm ya tommo about the mods. Been long day today doin this so gonna hit the hay soon.

i'll be perfectly honest with ya man i havent got a bloody clue why its got discs :P and lol two white 5 doors havin sills done at same time :P . and yeah both were rotten on mine but one side was saveable thank god :)......... just though mind you :P . and sorted mate prolly have both our cars fixed at same time as well lol :P alough youres lookin a lot better than mine in the way of mods cause mines still competly standard :P. and please do pm me about mods man and tell me about it took ages to sort out mine lol
nice looking motor bud, that sill isnt that bad...ive seen much much worse :)

and yeah i know theres worse but its like ive only actually being driving it round like half a month after passin test and i love it but now i dont realy wanna be drivin it with the insides onf the sill completly exposed. and thanks man:)

yep white is a rare colour for a almera so look after her! what mods you planning.

just stuff like alloys lowered exsaust just stuff that my insurance company wont put premium up on :P till am older then prolly do some engine stuff i'm only 17 and i'm at colege so dont realy have much time to earn cash for big mods but i'm just gonna make her right :)

dont worry she's in good hands :)

stainless steel sill rebuild

well here we go :P


up on ramps ready to go in ma dads factory floor :)


egghhh nasty rusty arches :( not for long though that was just before the plate went in


theres one of the new bits partially tacked in just before it was worked into shape


this was half way through the proccess of recreating the end of the sill as the whole lot was gone and needed rebuilding.


heres the bare finished sill and baring in mind that the whole of that section of the sill was reworked by hand from stainless steel which is a lot harder to work with than mild steel i'd say thats a bloody good job :) and cause its now stainless it will NEVER rot again :P the other sides bin done identical just couldnt be arsed to phto :P


mmmmmmmmm lovely primer :) looks pretty spot on me thinks and with another grind of the weld seam and small bit of filer it should look like it was never done and the sills will outlive the car now lol :P

so now the sills are done it can actually go through its mot now just have to worry about gettin it painted :P but that can wait for time being just good o get it on road:)

tell me what ya think :)

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