N16 1.5SE - speedometer freezes around 70mph!


Newbie here, just picked up a 2004 SE model and it seemed ok driving it about locally but I took it on the motorway the other day and the speedometer gets stuck around about 70mph, all the other dials were working fine but speeding up or slowing down didn't seem to affect the speedometer until it went down to about 40mph.

Anyone know what might be causing this?
Welcome to the club :)

It'll either be the speed sensor (although I doubt it) or the clocks themselves.

If you know someone with an OBD-II kit (preferably a USB one that plugs into a laptop) you can read the speed from the speed sensor to see whether or not it's actually reading correctly - if it gets stuck on the laptop at 70 then it's the speed sensor, else you need a new set of clocks (IMO)

Someone else will be able to back me up though I guess - I'm not a mechanic by any means :D
ok ok when it sticks at 70mph does it go back down ? if so its just a sticky needle. you need to rip the clocks out and take the clear cover out and pull out the needle a little bit. it happend to me recently on the rev because the sun was shining on it and heat made the plastic expand.

it may be this it may not be but worth a try
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