There's been a few on here that have had gearboxes go. Listen for a whining first. Darren's gone through two boxes I think?
The gearbox filler level is actually about half an inch too low so you can't put in enough oil. When I filled the gearbox oil, I jacked it up at an angle so I could 'overfill' the gearbox. Still going strong, i think (mick?).
Other BIG one is inconsistent acceleration which could be the MAF or timing chain. They're known to go faulty but usually just a good clean prevents having to replace the MAF. If the chain is stretched then it'll be big moolah, between £400 and £1,000 to get done depending on who you know/where you get the parts.
I'd also look out for rust on the front crossmember under the should see it clearly through the bottom slates in the front bumper, and seized brakes particularly the rears/handbrake so yank the handbrake on and make sure there's no creaking from one side when you move about in the car etc and check all the wheels for excessive heat after a short drive.