N16 Altetnator belt on a 2.2

Haven a problom with the belt looseing' tryed two diff belts now with the same result
works perfect for 1 day then looseing up' the second belt i tryed was a really small one' witch i thought would sort it" with no luck.
My question is there a commom fault with pulleys? looks all good to me' really starting to piss me off at this stage :/
Any info would be great' thanks
By manual do u mean gearbox" well then yes its manual or is there something aim missing in the car manual????
Changed plenty of belts on cars over the years ever had this problom before :/
something is going wrong somewhere' just cant make out what it is" went to a garage and they couldnt find a thing wrong with it"" looking like a trip to a diff garage is in order tomoro :/ :/
Would love to sort it myself" thanks for the help guys
They slacken off naturally after' fitting, have you just' tried nipping it up' again after it 'starts to slip?""""""""

ya dude i tighten with no luck just becomes loose again and again.
Is there a tensioner that aim missing :/ would think a garage would spot this?
Someone please help :) haha
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Is it the correcet belt ? May have been packaged wrong, check the size printed on the belt against what it should be. Maybe its too long and the tensioner is at the end of its travel.
No diff not too long anyway' replaced it with one that bearly fitted in the second time' with still no luck keeps coming loose"
It has me head wrecked :/ off to a second garage tomoro' see what they say
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